The purpose of the roundtable session at Cyberlearning 2016 is to learn about multiple ongoing projects on a certain topic.
How does the Roundtable session work?
The roundtable session will take place 9:15 to 10:15 on Day 1, so it’s a good opportunity to get to know your peers early in the conference. There will be 16 roundtables distributed throughout different rooms (Ballroom C+D+E, Salons 1/2/3, Alcott Boardroom). Each table is dedicated to a specific topic. Each table will host 10 participants, who will stay at their table for the entire roundtable session. Of the 10 participants, two to three act as presenters, who together lead the table. Each presenter will spend about 10 minutes to introduce their Cyberlearning-related research to the other participants. We grouped presenters with similar topics at the same table.
The non-presenting participants pick up a ticket for a table they are interested in at the registration desk when they check in for the conference. The number of tickets per table is limited (there are only 10 chairs, including the presenters’), so we recommend you pick up your ticket early to get access to your favorite table.
The presenters at the roundtable will self-organize their presentations and will provide an atmosphere for an inclusive and constructive conversation. Specifically, they will start the roundtable session by giving the non-presenting participants at the table a chance to introduce themselves and to state why they chose to join this table. The overall roundtable session will last one hour, leaving ample time for discussions amongst the 10 participants.
Table Topics & Presenters
Here are the 16 roundtables, involving a total of 35 presenters. Click on the title of a table for more information.
Alcott Boardroom:
Ballroom C+D+E:
Salon 1:
Salon 2:
Salon 3:
How should presenters prepare?
Presenters should be ready to introduce their project to a group of 9 other participants. There will be no projector, just a round table with 10 people. Presenters may want to bring along a few copies of a handout about their project, or of a relevant paper. Or they may want to bring along their laptop with a short video about their work (or a URL of such a video, so the other participants can watch it on their own laptops).
Who will present?
The program committee picked a the presenters and determined the table topics above based on the information conference participants specified in their applications.
Where does the information about the tables come from?
We asked presenters to fill in a form where they could provide a title and a short description (and optionally a picture) of what they will present.
How will non-presenting participants find a table?
While we pre-assigned presenters to tables, the other participants will choose a table when they register at the conference (by picking up a roundtable ticket at the registration desk).