Location: Ballroom C+D+E
This is a roundtable in the Cyberlearning 2016 Roundtable session.
Building systems from Scratch: Students create games to learn Earth science
Gillian Puttick
We will discuss our proposed design based research approach to the development of an intervention that integrates computing into middle school learning about climate science by interweaving game design and science learning on climate change.
Project: NSF Award #1542954 – Research on the Development of Computational and Systems Thinking in Middle School Students through Explorations of Complex Earth Systems
Place-based Education Via Online Learning Communities for Citizen Science
Ruth Kermish-Allen
What does collaboration across wide geographic, demographic, and experiential gaps look like? Which strategies in online learning communities support place-based real-world problem solving and knowledge building? Join us to learn about WeatherBlur.
Project: Homepage, NSF Award #1520761 – EAGER: WeatherBlur