Category Archives: Resource

How to Host Successful Virtual Scientific Advisory Boards

Many National Science Foundation and other research projects include advisory boards as a mechanism for obtaining expert guidance. Virtual advisory meetings are an alternative to the common practice of a two-day, fly-in meeting that occurs once a year. We share insights from our 5+year experience of hosting virtual advisory board meetings for CIRCL and offer suggestions for building a strong advisory community.

Cyberlearning Workshop Reports: Principles for the Design of Digital STEM Learning Environments

NSF challenged interdisciplinary science and engineering teams to produce plans for developing forward-looking, highly adaptable, distributed digital environments that can personalize learning for individual, diverse learners in collaborative settings with potential applications across multiple and varying: (a) domains of knowledge, (b) learning contexts (including formal and informal education), and (c) time spans.


There are many sources of funding for cyberlearning-related research at the National Science Foundation. CIRCL can help you find collaborators! Programs Key Requirements CFLT: Cyberlearning for Work at the Human-Technology […]