April 18-19, 2017 at the Westin Arlington Gateway, Arlington, Virginia
- Watch video recordings of keynotes and special speakers
- Check out the Storify [also in PDF] of the event based on tweets to #NSFCL17
- Read reflections on the meeting by Jeremy Roschelle
Approximately 150 leading researchers along with students, educators, designers, industry experts, and other stakeholders worked together for two days at Cyberlearning 2017 to accelerate the community’s collective work and impact. Cyberlearning 2017 built upon four prior successful meetings (2012-16), which inspired the community to identify issues of common interest and ignited joint efforts among participants. Today Cyberlearning research is thriving, yet the community faces potential changes in how its research is supported and organized.
Cyberlearning 2017 aimed to facilitate connections among Cyberlearning researchers across disciplines and with practitioners and stakeholders. Together, attendees envisioned a path forward for cyberlearning research, taking into account their aspirations and today’s uncertainties. The program provided opportunities to share insights on cyberlearning designs, genres, and research methods. Building on strong interest and expertise in issues of equity and access within the community, it enriched our understanding of how to design for diverse learners and settings. Attendees worked together to understand newly emerging science and technology and to envision addressing societal challenges and opportunities for impact. Information about future funding opportunities were presented, and participants had opportunities to meet new colleagues and form teams to tackle future challenges.
Questions? Contact CIRCL convening staff.
Next »Program (Eastern Time Zone)
Detailed program (PDF). All times are Eastern Time (ET). | Highlighted portions are webcast |
Monday April 17 (Optional)
5-7 pm | Early registration – Pre-function C. |
6 pm | Meet others at registration for group dinners (self-pay). Yelp restaurants. |
7 pm | Buddies dinner (for buddies who RSVP’d) |
Tuesday April 18
7:30 | Breakfast (provided) and registration – Westin Arlington Gateway, Fitzgerald Ballroom C |
8:00 | Welcoming Remarks from NSF and Conference Program Overview |
8:30 | Networking Activity |
9:00 | Transition to Roundtable Sessions |
9:15 | Learn about Cyberlearning Projects: Roundtable Session |
10:15 | Break |
10:45 | Keynote: Jeremy Bailenson, Experience on Demand: The Opportunities (and Costs) of Learning in VR |
11:15 | Keynote: Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, Why Emotions are Integral to Learning: A Neuroscience Perspective |
11:45 | Orientation to Expertise Exchanges and Working Sessions. EE Leaders give 1-minute pitches. |
12:00 | Lunch (provided) |
1:00 | Expertise Exchanges |
2:30 | Break |
3:00 | Working Sessions |
4:45 | Break, and set up for Gallery Walk |
5:30 | Gallery Walk and refreshments |
7:00 | End of Day 1 |
Wednesday April 19
7:30 | Breakfast – Westin Arlington Gateway, Fitzgerald Ballroom C |
8:00 | Overview and Announcements. Day 2 EE Leaders give 1-minute pitches. |
8:15 | Special Speakers |
9:00 | Plenary Session: Genre Shark Tank |
10:00 | Break |
10:30 | Keynote: Eileen Scanlon, Technology Enhanced Learning and the Science of Citizen Science |
11:00 | Keynote: Karthik Ramani, Lowering Barriers to Engagement through Computational Fabrication |
11:30 | Lunch (provided) and Poster Session |
12:45 | Expertise Exchanges |
2:15 | Break |
2:30 | Working Sessions |
3:30 | Town Hall (NSF) |
4:00 | Adjourn |
Thursday April 20 (Optional)
(various) | Legislative Office Visits – For attendees who signed up to visit their state legislators. |
Hotel and Meeting Location
Conference Hote: Westin Arlington Gateway
801 N. Glebe Road, Arlington, VA 22203 Google Map
(703) 717-6200
Nearest Metro: Ballston – MU (Orange Line), 0.4 km/0.3 miles
A Westin reservation link will be included in a confirmation email sent to accepted applicants after they register for the event.
Alternate Lodging. You could also try AirBnB options and other nearby hotels:
- Holiday Inn Arlington (5 minute walk)
- Hilton Arlington (7 minute walk)
- Comfort Inn Arlington (10 minute walk)
- Residence Inn Arlington (10 minute walk)
Note that there is no cost to attend the event, but attendees must pay for and book their own travel (including flights, hotel, shuttles, etc.). Travel expenses will be reimbursed for a limited number of buddies (see application for details).
Transport Options
The Westin Arlington Gateway is located 5 miles from Ronald Reagan International Airport (DCA) and 21 miles from the Dulles Airport (IAD). Learn more about transport options to the Westin Arlington Gateway. From DCA, it is easily accessible by Metro, taxi, or Super Shuttle. From IAD, the best options are taxi or Super Shuttle. The nearest Metro stop is the Ballsont-MU Station.
Nearby Restaurants
Some recommendations on Yelp:
- Super Pollo (Peruvian), 0.4 mi, 550 N Quincy St, (571) 970-3421
- The Melting Pot (American, Fondue), 0.5 mi, 1110 N. Glebe Rd., (703) 243-4490
- Pinzimini (Italian), 0 mi, at Westin Arlington, (703) 537-4200
- Ravi Kabob House (Pakistani), 0.7 mi, 305 N Glebe Rd, (703) 522-6666
- Uncle Julio’s Rio Grande Cafe (Tex-Mex), 0.2 mi, 4301 Fairfax Dr, (703) 528-3131
- Thai Curry (Thai), 0.7 mi, 307 N Glebe Rd, (703) 524-0711
- PF Chang’s China Bistro (Chinese), 417 ft, 901 N. Glebe Rd., (703) 527‐0955
- Sweet Green (Vegetarian, Soup, Salad), 0.4 mi, 4075 Wilson Blvd, (703) 522-2016
- Bangkok Bistro (Thai), 0.2 mi, 715 N. Glebe Rd., (703) 243‐9669
- Tandoor (Indian), 0.3 mi, 4238 Wilson Blvd., (703) 527‐1585
- Fettoosh (Middle Eastern/ Morroccan), 0.5 mi, 5100 Wilson Blvd., (703) 527‐7710
- Front Page (American), 0.2 mi, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, (703) 248‐9990
More on Washington, D.C.
Next »« PrevOrganizers and Sponsors
Cyberlearning 2017 is sponsored by the National Science Foundation and hosted by CIRCL. CIRCL is chartered by NSF to support the cyberlearning research community.
Meeting Co-Chairs
Jeremy Roschelle, SRI International
Stephanie Teasley, University of Michigan, School of Information
Gautam Biswas, Vanderbilt University, School of Engineering
Program Committee Members
Jodi Asbell-Clarke, TERC
Kristy Boyer, University of Florida
Marcela Borge, Penn State
Corey Brady, Vanderbilt University
Sarah Costello, San Francisco Day School
Lyla Mae Crawford, University of Washington
Sidney D’Mello, University of Notre Dame
Matt Easterday, Northwestern University
Muztaba Fuad, Winston-Salem State University
Janice Gobert, Rutgers University
Yasmin Kafai, University of Pennsylvania
Lin Lin, University of North Texas
Alejandra Magana, Purdue University
Ray Rose, Rose & Smith Associates
Pati Ruiz, Pepperdine University
John Stamper, Carnegie Mellon University
Sarita Nair-Pillai, Education Development Center
Joyce Malyn-Smith, Education Development Center
Bernadette Sibuma, Education Development Center
Melody Hachey, Education Development Center
Sarah MacGillivray, Education Development Center
Judith Fusco, SRI International
Shari Gardner, SRI International
Patricia Schank, SRI International
Cynthia D’Angelo, SRI International
The meeting chairs and CIRCL staff thank the program committee for the innovative ideas and thoughtful input that helped shape the agenda for this meeting.
Next »« PrevFAQ
1. Who can attend this meeting?
Researchers with NSF projects with a cyberlearning theme as well as teachers, informal educators, foundation program directors, technologists, designers, graduate students, and other stakeholders. Participants must apply, be accepted, and then register for the event in order to attend.
2. Who pays for and books travel?
There is no fee to attend the event, but attendees must book and pay for their own travel and hotel.
PIs of NSF projects typically pay for travel to the meeting on their projects, as they will present their work or facilitate a discussion related to their area of research at the meeting, and look at this as this their “annual PI meeting” with NSF. Several NSF program officers will be at the meeting, and more than half the attendees are NSF cyberlearning-themed project PIs.
3. Can I attend part of the meeting?
Cyberlearning 2017 will be a working meeting. Participants are expected to commit to the 2 full days of the meeting. Preference for in-person attendance will be given to applicants who offer to share tangible insights and to be actively involved before, during, and after the meeting. For those who cannot attend in person, portions of the meeting will be webcast to allow some virtual participation.
4. How do I see the webcast?
Portions of the event will be webcast. Register for the webcast and you will receive an email with instructions on how to connect. We invite you to also read and post tweets to the event hashtag, #NSFCL17.
5. What if I have a question before the event?
If you have any questions, please contact the CIRCL convening team.
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