Cyberlearning 2017: What’s Next? Making Connections to Shape the Future

April 18-19, 2017 at the Westin Arlington Gateway, Arlington, Virginia


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Approximately 150 leading researchers along with students, educators, designers, industry experts, and other stakeholders worked together for two days at Cyberlearning 2017 to accelerate the community’s collective work and impact. Cyberlearning 2017 built upon four prior successful meetings (2012-16), which inspired the community to identify issues of common interest and ignited joint efforts among participants. Today Cyberlearning research is thriving, yet the community faces potential changes in how its research is supported and organized.

Cyberlearning 2017 aimed to facilitate connections among Cyberlearning researchers across disciplines and with practitioners and stakeholders. Together, attendees envisioned a path forward for cyberlearning research, taking into account their aspirations and today’s uncertainties. The program provided opportunities to share insights on cyberlearning designs, genres, and research methods. Building on strong interest and expertise in issues of equity and access within the community, it enriched our understanding of how to design for diverse learners and settings. Attendees worked together to understand newly emerging science and technology and to envision addressing societal challenges and opportunities for impact. Information about future funding opportunities were presented, and participants had opportunities to meet new colleagues and form teams to tackle future challenges.

Questions? Contact CIRCL convening staff.

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