The International Journal of Child–Computer Interaction: Learning Analytics of Embodied Design — Enhancing Synergy invites submissions of manuscripts to the IJCCI Editorial Manger by November 1, 2020. Kindly forward all […]
Author Archives: CIRCL Admin
CAREER: Wearable Tutors in the Embodied Mathematics Classroom
1/6/20-3/31/22 PIs: Ivon Arroyo University of Massachusetts Amherst Award Details The role of embodiment (e.g., the use of both fine-grained and gross motor gestures) in mathematics learning for young students […]
Developing Computational Thinking by Creating Multi-player Physically Active Math Games
8/1/19-7/31/22 PIs: Ivon Arroyo, Gillian Smith, Erin Ottmar Worcester Polytechnic Institute Award Details Our nation’s economy is rapidly shifting. Both educators and business leaders recognize that computational thinking (CT) is […]
EXP: Augmenting a Teachable Robot with Adaptive Cognitive and Social Support
8/19/19-7/31/21 PI: Winslow Burleson University of Arizona Award Details This proposal investigates robotic teachable agents, a type of cyberlearning technology that provides cognitive and affective feedback to support students’ learning. […]
NSF Convergence Accelerator Expo 2020
NSF Convergence Accelerator program is hosting CA Expo 2020 on July 1-2, 2020 – a virtual meeting that provides an opportunity for all of the funded Convergence Accelerator projects in […]
NSF ECR Webinar Series

Thursdays from June 11 to July 30, 2020, 3-4 pm ET / 12-1 pm PT NSF EHR Core Research (ECR) program officers will provide an overview of the funding opportunities […]
Living with AI: The Human Impacts of AI
AAAS Virtual Symposium, June 11, 2020, 9:00-4:30 (EDT) Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing how we think about every aspect of our daily lives, impacting our food, health, work, and […]
CIRCL Update: New NSF Opportunities & Share your #NSFStories
Dear Colleague, First, congratulations to all of you who presented your stories in the Video Showcase! Check out the 14 cyberlearning-related videos and 33 winners of Facilitator’s Choice, Public Choice, […]
NSF Program on Fairness in AI in Collaboration with Amazon
NSF announced the 2020 continuation of its Program on Fairness in Artificial Intelligence in Collaboration with Amazon (FAI) on April 16 through solicitation NSF 20-566. Proposals are due on July […]
Cyberlearning accepting CAREER proposals
The NSF Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) encourages eligible members of the STEM education research community to submit proposals to the NSF CAREER program. Note that while these […]