August 11-12, 2016, at the University of California, Berkeley
The Youth, Learning, and Data Science Summit will be held August 11-12, 2016, at the University of California, Berkeley. The focus of the Summit is on kids learning data science in and out of school. Funded by the NSF Cyberlearning and Future Learning Technologies program, the Summit will bring together researchers from different communities already active in this emerging field and promote more cross dialogue between those working in computer science/information visualization and in education.
Although the number of spaces for this workshop are limited, the organizers are looking for a representative and diverse group to attend. Acceptance will be decided based on consultation with an advisory board. Costs for attendance will be covered. Attendees are expected to be present for the full workshop.
How to apply
Interested parties should complete the application by March 1, 2016.
• PIs and Summit Organizers
Victor Lee, Utah State University
Tapan Parikh, University of California, Berkeley
Joseph Polman, University of Colorado, Boulder
Michelle Wilkerson, University of California, Berkeley