
There are many sources of funding for cyberlearning-related research at the National Science Foundation. CIRCL can help you find collaborators!

Programs Key Requirements

CFLT: Cyberlearning for Work at the Human-Technology Frontier

Exploratory and synergistic research in learning technologies. CIRCL builds capacity and shares the results of CLFT projects.

AI Institutes: National Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research Institutes

Targets funding for an institute in AI and Augmented Learning, with unusually large potential awards

DRK12: Discovery Research K‐12
IUSE: Improving Undergraduate STEM Education
AISL: Advancing Informal STEM Learning

Learning domain is STEM discipline
Context is K-­12, undergraduate, or informal learning.
Potential applicability today

STEM+C: STEM plus Computing Partnerships
CSforAll: Computer Science for All

Learning domain is STEM discipline as intersecting computer science or computational thinking.
Context is K-­‐12, potential applicability today

ITEST: Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers

Learning aims towards creating technology-­‐literate STEM workforce

CHS: Cyber­‐Human Systems in IIS

Research on humans and computing, not necessarily learning focused—contributes to literatures such as human-­‐computer interaction

ATE: Advanced Technological Education

Research on effective educational approaches that can position the future STEM workforce to make bold advances

ECR: EHR Core Research

Foundational research on STEM-­‐related learning environments

SBIR: Small Business Innovation Research (and STTR)

Exploration or development associated with putting a technology on the market

BIGDATA: Critical Techniques and Technologies for Advancing Foundations and Applications of Big Data Science

Education is one possible application area: focus is on new techniques for computational analysis of big data for research

SL‐CN: Science of Learning: Collaborative Networks

Basic and applied research on learning in all domains. Focus on building interdisciplinary collaborations to yield novel approaches to understanding learning

NRI: National Robotic Initiative

Fundamental research on robotics in educational curricula and pathways

RI, III, and other CISE programs

Focus on computer science research (which includes CS that may have application to education) e.g., AI, NLP, computer vision, etc.

Some general guidelines for selecting a program:

If your proposal idea has an emphasis on…


Foundational research about learning in the presence of technology (and technology goals may not be as innovative as in CFLT)


STEM education, but aimed at directly addressing today’s needs (less oriented to exploring the horizon)


Socio-technical, but not emphasizing learning research

Cyber-Human Systems (CHS)

Learning research, but not innovative designs of learning technology


Learning about or promoting interest in technology/computer science


Involves a small business and product development


Considering writing a proposal to NSF? See NSF Cyberlearning Proposal Resources.

Other potential funding sources include the U.S. Department of Education, specifically its statistics, research, and evaluation arm, the Institute of Education Sciences (IES).