Ruth Kermish-Allen is the Executive Director of the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance.
Category Archives: Perspective
Meet John Derian
John Derian is a science teacher at The Brooklyn International High School, teaching 9th/10th grade Living Environment and Physical Science
Meet Sheryl Burgstahler
Sheryl Burgstahler is Founder and Director of the Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking and Technology (DO-IT) Center and the Access Technology Center (ATC) at University of Washington in Seattle.
Meet Sarah Costello
Sarah Costello is a Technology Teacher at San Francisco Day School, and an IISME Fellow working with CIRCL.
Meet Erik Kellner
Erik Kellner is a 8th grade science teacher at Canyon Middle School, and a summer IISME Fellow working with CIRCL.
Meet Neil Heffernan
Neil Heffernan is a professor in the Computer Science Department at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
Meet Lauren Birney
Lauren Birney leads the NSF-funded CCERS project, which connects teaching and learning through the lens of technology to the restoration of New York Harbor in New York City.
Meet Matthias Hauswirth
Matthias Hauswirth is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Informatics of the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) in Lugano, a young research university in the mediterranean, “most beautiful” part of Switzerland.
Meet Deborah Fields
Deborah Fields is a part-time consultant and part-time professor at Utah State teaching online. She has a Cyberlearning project and a newly-funded iTEST grant with Yasmin Kafai.
Meet Raymond Rose
Raymond Rose is President of Rose & Smith Associates and Chair of the Public Policy Committee at the Texas Distance Learning Association.