DIA2 is a visualization tool to help the research community navigate topics and communities based on NSF funding history. DIA2 ingests the NSF award database, supports searches over it, and visualizes the results in social graphs and a variety of other interactive representations.
DIA2 lets you browse funding across NSF directorates, divisions, and programs; view concepts and related awards; explore networks of PI/CoPIs; and search the text of proposal titles and abstracts. Each new search appears in its own window, and collections of windows are organized in dashboards for later review.
How can DIA2 help me?
DIA2 can help you answer questions such as:
- I’m thinking about doing a proposal on X. What programs have funded that sort of work?
- I’d like to put together a symposium on Y. Who are current investigators I might invite?
- Who would be a good partner with skills in Z to be on my advisory board?
Below are some slides that you can use to walk through use cases that are relevant to you!
If you have a use case that the slides below don’t address, please let us know. The DIA2 team has invited the cyberlearning community to provide input on their needs so that DIA2 can better support cyberlearning efforts. Give DIA2 a try and send us feedback. What do you find it useful? What would make it more useful for you?
DIA2 Workspace Overview
An orientation to getting around in DIA2, including the menubar, toolbar, dashboards, and tool windows.
[slideshare id=49585209&doc=dia2toolpageinterfaceexplanation-150619051922-lva1-app6891]
Identify NSF Funding Sources for Your Research Topic
Search by topic to identify what NSF programs and program officers have funded that type of research in the past. Use the information to target your proposal to the appropriate NSF division.
[slideshare id=49149692&doc=findprogramandpojun8-150609014415-lva1-app6892]
Explore the Funding Portfolio of an NSF Program
Explore collaboration networks and awards in an NSF program, explore awards for a given PI, download award lists, sort program officers by the awards they have managed.
[slideshare id=49585207&doc=dia2nsfprogramexplorerusecase-150619051919-lva1-app6892]
Find Researchers and Browse Collaboration Networks of Researchers Working on a Topic
Find researchers and view connections among researchers working on topics funded by NSF. Identify collaborating researchers and core research groups in specific program areas.
[slideshare id=49149694&doc=browsecollaborationnetworkjun8-150609014419-lva1-app6891]
Analyze an Institution’s NSF Funding
See a summary of your institutions award information; constrain by specific time periods; explore the collaboration network, PI list, and yearly award count; browse awards.
[slideshare id=49149705&doc=searchwithinmyinstitutionusecasejun8-150609014434-lva1-app6892]
Identify NSF Funding Priorities
Examine NSF funding priorities by number of awards and award amounts, examine collaboration networks and awards within a program, browse PIs/CoPIs, and award abstracts.
[slideshare id=49149698&doc=identifyfundingprioritiesusecasejun8-150609014427-lva1-app6892]
DIA2 is supported by NSF grant 1123108, led by Purdue University.