Wednesday, August 7, 2019 from 11 am – 12 pm Pacific, 2-3 pm Eastern
Webinar Archive
- Webinar recording with audio, slides, and Q&A (Adobe Connect)
- Slides (PDF)

Note: This webinar is in an effort to bridge the INCLUDES National Network and the Cyberlearning community, given that Cyberlearning researchers are doing work that overlaps with the goal of INCLUDES.
“Inclusive” practices that do not consider equitable access for individuals with disabilities are not inclusive. Disability transcends every population and all aspects of diversity. So then, why does it get so little attention? This session will discuss factors potentially limiting the work to improve access for those with disabilities, identify common barriers to participation, and consider ways to promote research and practice that is inclusive of individuals with disabilities and their perspectives across the INCLUDES National Network.
Chris Atchison – University of Cincinnati
Sheryl Burgstahler – University of Washington
Suggested Citation
Atchison, C. & Burgstahler, 2. (2019, August 7). Diversity, Equity, and Exclusion? How to address diversity with respect to ability in your research and practice in the INCLUDES National Network [Webinar]. In CIRCL Webinar Series. Retrieved from