CL19 Poster Session

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At the Poster Session, participants can explore different project stations to learn about Cyberlearning projects via posters and/or artifacts from project work.

Who will present?

The program committee picked a set of presenters based on the information conference participants specified in their applications.

I’m presenting, where’s my station?

The map in your program indicates the poster area. Each station consists of a table. Each table is labeled with the presentation info. Stations should be set up during breakfast or the morning break that same day. To find your station quickly, go to the registration desk and ask for the precise location, or just look for the table labeled with your info.
During the Poster Session, expect conference participants to walk up to your station, carrying along some food and drinks, and expect some noise from nearby stations.

I requested a poster board, how big will it be?

If you specified that you would like to present a poster, your station (i.e., your table) will come with a table-top poster board of size 48 inches wide by 36 inches tall.

Poster Stations

The following project-related posters will be presented:

(coming soon)