Location: Salon 2
This is a roundtable in the Cyberlearning 2016 Roundtable session.
Building Distributed Communities of Practice among K-12 STEM Educators
Susan Straus
A longitudinal study examines factors that motivate K-12 STEM teachers to collaborate in online communities of practice, characterizes the nature of participation, and analyzes how participation contributes to sociotechnical capital and job outcomes.
Project: NSF Award #1122692 – VOSS – Use of Web 2.0 Technologies to Build Distributed Communities of Practice among K-12 Science Educators
Coding framework for log analysis in an online social learning network
Denise Nacu
We will introduce a method for automatically coding log data that highlights educator support roles and student actions that are reflective of 21st century learning, such as creative production, self-directed learning, and social learning.
Project: NSF Award #1325004 – DIP: Developing Frameworks, Tools, and Social Practices to Support Effective Instructor Use of Online Social Learning Networks in Blended Learning Models