CIRCL Baseline Survey

CIRCL Project Survey 2013

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Survey Information

This survey is about __[project name]___  ___[Project #]_____ number.

This PI is [list name].

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We have this expertise We would like to share our expertise
We want to learn more

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Section 3 of 6 Project focus and participants

Please describe the disciplines and focus of your project, your setting, and the audiences you hope to reach. We will use this information in reporting on the reach of cyberlearning projects to NSF, Congress, and other interested stakeholders.

If applicable, list the geographical locations (city and state is fine) for the implementation of your project? Please list up to three. If there are more than three, you may provide a brief explanation of the locations.

Approximately how many participants do you expect to serve with your current NSF funding?

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What products, materials, or services will this project create? Please specify the stage of development for each.
To be developed Exploration/Early Development Extensive development Already released N/A

Have there been publications (including journal articles, conference presentations, videos, news articles, press releases, etc.) about your project? Please select all that apply and if this activity occurred in 2013 or will occur in 2014.
Occurred in 2013 Will occur in 2014

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Section 5 of 6: Research Design

In this section of the survey, we ask you to describe the research you are doing as part of your cyberlearning project. Your responses in this section will help us to highlight the breadth and depth of cyberlearning research.

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Section 5 of 6: Research Design Continued

These questions will inquire in more detail about your research design.

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Section 6 of 6: Project Information

In this section of the survey, we ask for information including where we can find your project online, project staff, and collaborators.

Do you currently maintain project or professional presence on any of the following social media related to this project that we may share with others via our website and to learn more about your work? If so, write in your username or URL.

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Thank you for your time. 

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