Expertise Exchanges

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The purpose of the Expertise Exchange sessions at Cyberlearning 2016 is for session leaders with some expertise in a topic to share information with community members who want to learn more about the topic, to provide a forum for participants to discuss how they might incorporate the topic into their work, and to broker connections between community members who are interested in a topic.

Expertise Exchange sessions will take place after lunch on both days of the conference for about 1.5 hours. Session leaders will talk briefly about the topic and facilitate discussion. Leaders are asked to allocate at least half of the session for discussion so that attendees are active participants.

Expertise Exchange Sessions

Day 1: Sunday June 5, 1-2:30 pm

Smart and Connected Learning Communities
Ballroom C – John Cherniavsky, Eamonn Kelly, Jeremy Roschelle, and Leilah Lyons

Working with Districts and Classrooms
Ballroom D – Elliot Soloway, Cathie Norris, Jen Groff, Lauren Goldenberg, and Kip Glazer

Accessibility: Are All Aspects of Your Project Fully Accessible? Common Mistakes and Guidance for Design
Salon 1 – Ray Rose

Use our 50,000 Students to Test Your Idea on NSF-funded
Salon 2 – Neil and Cristina Heffernan

Virtual Reality in Education Research and Practice
Salon 3 – Britte Cheng, Matthew Kam, Robb Lindgren, Tom Moher, Maaroof Fakhri

Day 2: Monday June 6, 12:45-2:15 pm

Cyberlearning Proposal Idea Pitch Clinic: Get Feedback from a Panel of Cyberlearning Experts
Ballroom C – Christopher Hoadley, Guy-Alain Amoussou, Janet Kolodner, Andee Rubin, and Shuchi Grover

Successful Models for Broader Impact — Panel + Q&A
Ballroom D – Avron Barr, Panelists: Linda Chaput, Stephen Fancsali, and Lori Takeuchi, Perry Samson

Understanding and Promoting Identity Development Across Contexts
Ballroom E – June Ahn and Tamara Clegg

How to Get Accepted to Journals and Conferences
Salon 1 – Jeremy Roschelle, Al Byers, and Clark Chinn

What Is Data Science and How Does It Change the Way We Should Think About Education?
Salon 2 – Bill Finzer, Michelle Wilkerson, and Tim Erickson

Tracing Learning across Time and Space
Salon 3 – Leilah Lyons and Stephen Uzzo

Notes for Session Leaders

Please plan to talk briefly on the topic, and get participants to ask questions and discuss ideas with you in this small group, open discussion format. You can look to CIRCL primers as a model for orienting the discussion. In your introduction to the topic, consider talking briefly describing what the topic is about, any key challenges or issues in the area, and key resources (web sites, journals, etc), and/or related projects they might want to know about. Please allocate at least half of the session for questions and discussion. If your session has several co-leaders, you might do an informal panel where each leader talks for 5 minutes about an aspect of the topic, followed by Q&A and discussion.

Note that Ballroom D does not have a projector. Ballroom E should have a projector, and all of the Salons will have projectors. If you want to share material, you could bring about 40 short handouts for sharing information, though handouts are not required. If your topic is related to one of the existing CIRCL primers, you can point participants to the primer. If you’d like to help write a primer on a topic, please let us know!