Cyberlearning Summit 2012


The 2012 Cyberlearning Research Summit was a high-profile gathering in Washington DC on January 18, 2012, featuring TED-style talks on visions for the future of learning with emerging technologies. The Summit was supported by the National Science Foundation under grant #1132393.

Videos of Talks

The Cyberlearning Videos Channel has 28 videos of talks at the Summit. Each talk is about 10 minutes in length. Playlists for each talk set are also available. Talk sets are about 50 minutes to an hour in length.

In the style of the TED conferences, speakers aimed to:

  • Discuss big ideas on at the intersection of emerging technology and research on learning;
  • Articulate the “transformative potential” of a direction or approach;
  • Communicate a sense of the broad research on this topic;
  • Engage, inspire, and stimulate thinking in this new program area.

Reflections on the Summit

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