Cyberlearning Summit 2014

On June 9-10, 2014, CIRCL hosted the 2014 Cyberlearning Summit at the Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison. The Summit was a gathering of researchers focused on highlighting advances in the design of technology-mediated learning environments, how people learn with technology, and how to use cyberlearning technologies to effectively shed light on learning.

Recap of the Summit

The 2014 Cyberlearning Summit featured 14 keynote talks, research posters, technology demonstrations, panels, collaborative sessions, a webcast, twitter discussion, hashtag bingo, and cybercitizen reporting of demos and posters through video.

See a short report on the Summit by Jeremy Roschelle, Director of CIRCL.

Posters presented at the Summit and handouts from the sharing table are also available.

Webcast Recordings

View the webcast recordings of talks and panel sessions.

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