Support for Doctoral Students to Attend International Conferences

PI: Beverly Woolf
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Award Details

This project supports the mission of NSF to train more advanced professionals in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) by supporting doctoral students attendance at the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) and the 6th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM) to be held in Madrid, Spain in June of 2015.

The intellectual merit of the grant rests on the quality of the research being presented at the conferences. Together, the conferences provide cross-fertilization of information and ideas from artificial intelligence, cognitive science, machine learning, education, learning sciences, educational technology, psychology, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, linguistics, and the many domain-specific areas for which cyberlearning systems are designed and built. The broader impact of the work rests in the inculcation of students into this field. Doctoral students will be selected from U.S. institutions. The criteria for selection include either having a paper accepted for one of the conferences and/or or submitting an strong rationale for what the student would learn at the conference. All students receiving support will be assigned a mentor. The selecting committee will strive to ensure that there is diversity of institutions, topics, disciplines, ethnicities, and gender in the cohort of awardees. Selected students will receive up to $1,000 to partially cover expenses.
