Webinar: NSF Cyberlearning Solicitation

Wednesday, October 18, 2017 from 11 am – 12:30 pm Pacific, 2-3:30 pm Eastern

NSF Program Officers Amy Baylor and Tatiana Korelsky led an informational webinar on the NSF Cyberlearning solicitation, Cyberlearning for Work at the Human-Technology Frontier.

Webinar Archive

Synopsis: The purpose of the Cyberlearning for Work at the Human-Technology Frontier program is to fund exploratory and synergistic research in learning technologies to prepare learners to excel in work at the human-technology frontier. This program responds to the pressing societal need to educate and re-educate learners of all ages (students, teachers and workers) in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) content areas to ultimately function in highly technological environments, including in collaboration with intelligent systems. Innovative technologies can reshape learning processes, which in turn can influence new technology design. Learning technology research in this program should be informed by the convergence of multiple disciplines: education and learning sciences, computer and information science and engineering, and cognitive, behavioral and social sciences. This program funds learning technology research in STEM and other foundational areas that enable STEM learning.

Related Resources

NSF Cyberlearning Proposal Resources – Links to tips, checklists, and guiding questions developed by NSF for past NSF Cyberlearning Solicitation webinars hosted by CIRCL.

Suggested Citation

Baylor, A., & Korelsky, T. (2017, October 18). NSF Cyberlearning Solicitation Webinar [Webinar]. In CIRCL Webinar Series. Retrieved from http://circlcenter.org/events/webinar-nsf-cyberlearning-for-work/