Enabling and Transforming Collaboration around Web-based Instructional Videos

gallery walk This is a station in the
Cyberlearning 2017 Gallery Walk.

Larissa Schroeder
TrACE Screenshot

Using a design-based research we have developed TrACE, a web-based video platform to enable collaboration between and formative assessment of students enrolled in a wide range of formal post-secondary courses. Our iterative approach has refined TrACE’s set of affordances through close partnership with instructors who actively make use of the system, and we have used the data collected by the platform to understand instructional dynamics in these courses.

Early uses of the system focused on flipped STEM classes and helped generate new understandings of the interplay between instructor expectations and student compliance with class preparation. Field-deployments and participatory design efforts have also informed the evolution of instructor-centered learning analytics tools, with an emphasis on enhancing analytics for formative assessment decision making. Recently, TrACE has been utilized to train health sciences student-researchers and clinicians through analysis of video case studies to promote synthesis and the development of clinical reasoning skills. In this demo, we will illustrate the functionality of TrACE by showcasing its application in a variety of course contexts and disciplines.